Fantastic ride today from Savannah, Georgia to the Georgia/Florida border - and my longest ride to date - 121 miles. I've finally made it from Maine to the Florida line - a total of 1,780 miles! The entire route today was bicycle friendly, which was quite a treat and a big contrast from many (way too many!) of my earlier rides. Portions of the route even had a designated bike lane, clearly marked by a cyclist wearing a flying saucer on his head. I rode by America's smallest chapel (for ye of little faith). And, of course, there was the usual collection of random road signs, presented herewith for your enjoyment as has become the custom on this blog. Tomorrow (Friday) is a rest day, followed by the final ride of the trip - a short (approximately 50 miles) ride from the Georgia/Florida line to Jacksonville, Florida where this grand adventure will conclude on Saturday, September 4, 2010.